Crying over Alan Parsons? I would gently slide further away from any guest and say in a Seinfeld voice "Good luck with all that."
Was your frined listening to "Break Down" and had to get back to the home before a community alert was posted?
I dunno if your system and room are good or not but it may very well be and thats fantastic but I suspect as others this guy has issues and maybe a bit lonely......could also be that he does not often sit and focus on just music and its message but good luck with your sleep over and please dont poste pics!
Was your frined listening to "Break Down" and had to get back to the home before a community alert was posted?
I dunno if your system and room are good or not but it may very well be and thats fantastic but I suspect as others this guy has issues and maybe a bit lonely......could also be that he does not often sit and focus on just music and its message but good luck with your sleep over and please dont poste pics!