Is there such a thing??-- Tube Preamp Question

Hello All,

I have recently acquired my first tube preamp. Its a Blue Circle 21.1 with the stepped attenuator. From the start its been a journey. When I received it there was a distinct buzz/hum. I sent it out for repair and they found it was the power transformer. They made me a spiffy new external power supply which solved the problem. I truly love what it does for tonality, richness of voices and my sound stage appears deeper to me with good placement of instruments within it. However, and maybe my expectations are just to high, the hiss and tube replacements (needed to replace tubes after 6 months) along with a generally fussy nature in terms of the need to pop the top and clean to get the fuzzy sounds out occasionally just seems a bit much. Are all tube pres susceptible to this level of need an "fussy" temperament? Another issue, is when I am watching TV and/or using TV as a source, between songs there are strange sounds(bleeps and squeaks) and moments of scratchy sounds noted in quiet passages and seem triggered by moving from one song to the next. It seems very sensitive to picking up TV noise which I have never noted using solid state gear.  While it isn't evident at medium to high volume it just bothers me and I know that its there. 

Can I have all that this does for me in terms of tonality and sound stage along with a less fussy nature? Does such a thing exist for a reasonable price($1000-$2000). I would like a more silent background with less need for constant attention. 

Does such a thing exist?

Showing 1 response by bigkidz

This sounds like tube issues if you are using old NOS tubes or tubes that are just no measuring good any longer. Also could be the tube sockets. You may want to clean the sockets and tube pins first.

Removing the transformer into a separate chassis was a good idea as it
isolates the transformer noise from the tubes.

If cleaning doe snot work, I can repair the unit or my suggestions would be:

1) Counterpoint SA-2000 or 3000 preamps. Send them to me and I will upgrade them and you will have a preamp that competes with almost anything out there.  The upgrades are volume control, Nichicon capacitors, Amtrans and Caddock resistors, and V-caps - read the review of the new V-Cap that just came out.  I also rewire some of the internal design to improve the sound. 

2) My friend purchase a Prima Luna 6922/6DJ8 tube preamp that I thought sounded very good for the money $2300?

If I can be of any help, send me a message through Agon.

Happy Listening.