Is there any danger in leaving a class D amp on unattended for ten days?

I recently obtained class D (Red Dragon monoblocks) amps.
I have left them on continuously for about a week, and they seem to be improving sonically with every day.  I am planning to be away for ten days starting next week. Is it unwise to leave them on unattended for this period?  
Class D amps should idle at a lower level, so that should be OK.
Being worried about fire is a real issue and i applaud people for being careful. I designed a bunch of stuff for various companies, two my own, in the 80s and 90s and the careless stuff i saw in the field scared me.

That said, since i still design and therefore experiment, i leave stuff on while I'm away all the time.  I don't leave amps on flammable carpets, i leave them some kind of fire retardant stand. It can even be wood - you wont have an inferno - just maybe a spark or 40.

Disconnect the speakers. No need for them to sacrifice their lives to a turn-on-off transient, or lightning, or .....

They should be fused such that most bad conditions just blow the fuse.  I personally under-fuse everything; i want the $1 fuse to protect the $3k amp, not the other way around.

use common sense.

Solid state amps,  and especially digital converters much better when left on .
Class A amps shut off they suck up power.  When runnjng in gear,I have s Vacuum tube preamp and sometimes left on playing music for 2weeks straight. I have even left  Vacuum tube amps on for several days before. But not as comfortable as with a SS amp. 
I have all my gear on UPS protected circuits and running / air conditioned in a rack 24/7. Heat is the enemy. I had a shunt trip breaker installed and if there’s smoke or if the AC fails it cuts power.
I unplug my system when leaving for weeks...and I do believe it sounds better when left on...