Is there a vacuum tube summary poster similar to this grape varietal summary

What are the different tube types, uses, sound characteristics, manufacturers, etc?


I have a chart in my system info that gives what your asking for small signal tubes in the 12XXX family, mind you only NOS tube. 

"Tube SQ will vary with different circuit designs."

+1...I have drawers full of tubes and over 50 years found that one tube might sound great in one circuit, but is awful in another.  This happens all the time.  I'll also add, it depends on how the tube is being used within that circuit.


I’d like to see a chart that shows the variety of usage areas with an amplifier and pre-amplifier , ie. Power, Signal tubes, for different tubes as well as the voltage and power outputs etc..

Clearly an amplifier designer needs to be aware of all this as he picks and chooses from all the various tubes available to him that he would insert into designs.

I’ve always been curious to know why certain tubes are picked versus other tubes.

I thought there might be a tube museum somewhere and actually found this link for tube museum but it was a retail tube seller which actually look kind of interesting and it's in New York.