is there a matching problem ?

hi everyone .

forgive if my english not good enough to express myself .

my case was i changed my krell mcx250 to simaudio w5  which is for my center speaker . 

same cable every setting the same. 

sound s super airly n high pitch even mans vocal . i cant even turn high the volume at all. normally i used around 58 and now 4x already very annoying . not much mid n bass , super tight as well. i will decribe as lean n thin.

i change because i saw lots of good review on simaudio . 

not sure what happen but really disappointed .i have 2 center speaker thiel mcs1 or snell xa1900 

my setup oppo 105 - hd621-mytek 192dsd -  linn kisto - simaudio w5

some of my friend said may be the gain of the output was too much . (i dont understand at all)

if someone understand about the independence  about pre to  power amp,   please advice. 


@claero  If it helps, perhaps write out your question / concerns / issues in your own language and use an online translator. It might work better to get your points across.
I’m missing some points but the main questions claero asks are about a possible mismatch between his new Simaudio power amp and Linn Kisto preamp; secondarily he’s asking whether the gain of the Sim might be excessive. He asks due to deterioration in sound quality after switching from a Krell amp to the Sim W5. Poor SQ is evidenced by excessive emphasis on high frequencies ("super airily high pitch even mans vocal"), lack of midrange (I’m not clear about effect on bass) but overall a sound that is lean and thin. He’s also finding his volume control range is greatly reduced.

@claero - Hope you get some suggestions.  Your Kisto looks to be a complicated bit of processor.  Know nothing about either the Sim W5 or the Linn so unable to offer any guidance, myself.  Good luck.
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thanks for your explanation .

after setting change , its seems normal now .

this is what i did . i can tell was the gain have huge differences.

i have to turn down my center channel level from -3 to -13(match with my front speakers) . then the sound become normal now . it is a bit more focus on the high frequency compare to krell .  .and i can turn up the volume at least.

the gain affect the tone balance very much . it just scare me........

thanks every one
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Happy to read you got it sorted out, Claero.  If the Sim W5 is brand new, it might mellow out and lose some of the high frequency emphasis over time.