Is there a list of full-range speakers (20-20kHz) somewhere on the internet?

When I internet-search for such a list, all I get is hits for full-range drivers. While a full-range driver that results in a full-range speaker could be excellent (provided everything else was in order), what I'm looking for are full-range speakers. These are likely to be floor-standing towers - but not necessarily towers.

Some examples:
GoldenEar Triton One (and I think Triton Reference and maybe Triton One.R
Tekton Double Impact (and above)

Looking for best value with 20-20kHz (flat-as-possible) response. I suspect there is a resource for this somewhere on the internet - thanks!


Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

PS - A better way to go is to buy floor standers you like and augment with room treatment and subs if needed.

Also, I personally hate Golden Ear.  I find the tweeters glaring, but clearly I am in the minority. :)

I don’t know of any, but speaker measurements have almost nothing to do with how they will perform in your room below 200 Hz. Getting to flat, deep in-room performance has a lot more to do with room treatment, EQ and placement than buying big speakers.

You are also forgetting about dispersion, compression and power handling.

I wrote about this here: