grigor, You wrote, "Judging by the THD and the scope graph that shows me how much of a clean up is happening, it tells me that if I disconnect it and somehow do a double blind comparison between wall outlet and the P5 I will not be able to tell the difference." Then you go on to disparage the whole idea behind the P5 and P10, because of what appears to be a prediction, not an actual AB comparison. Have you in fact ever actually compared the sound of your system WITH the P5 installed to the sound of your system without the P5? And if so, what did you hear? In the two instances where I use the PS Audio regenerators, I do hear a substantial and worthwhile improvement in SQ, and I do not live in the most horrible AC environment that you describe.
Is the PS Audio PerfectWave P10 Power Plant worth it?
I'm interested in learning and hearing about your experiences with a power regenerator like the P10. The science behind a pure sine wave AC power supply makes sense to me. Can you guys share your experiences? The audio quality in my house varies a lot depending on all kinds of different factors. I'm trying to figure out if a power regenerator is the way to go to get consistent performance. Thx