Is the problem end of life or the new processor?

My Classe Cam 350s are starting to have problems. One was running fairly warm & I noticed the Aerial speaker it was powering had a small tear or the glue had failed at the bottom woofer. I disconnected it while to speaker bass driver is being replaced.The other 350 has started to go into protection mode periodically. Is this just end of life at 22 years or something else? The only thing recently new is replacing my pre-pro with a Marantz AV-10. All the cabling seems undamaged.

Happy to receive any thoughts as I try to decide repair vs replace.


Showing 1 response by mjm1951

Thanks all for the replies. 

@fastfreight - yes they are beasts - getting almost too heavy for me to lift:). I also have an SSP-800 but it's boxed in the attic at this point. I went to Marsantz and just upgraded that to the Marantz Av-10.

@erik_squires - they have been on amp stands but you are right close to the floor. I periodically dust and also cover them when not in use but I'm sure there's an accumulation of material inside since they have been is use for 23 years.

@jeffbij - I'm going to have the amp looked at - Classe has responded (which I appreciate) by suggesting sending the amp as an out of warranty item to George Meyer in LA  or Deltronics in IL. 

I live near Boston so if anyone has a resource for amp evaluation I would be happy to hear it.

Thanks again everyone.