I think it is safe to say that no two manufacturers of amps produce identical products. This should be obvious even if they use similar circuits.
t is common knowledge that the measurement parameters despite obeying the laws of physics are not neccesarily meaningful as percieved by the listener. This fact is perplexing but I am sure you will agree if you listen to a variety of amps with "good" measurments, You might even find that some with the most power and lowest distortion are not the ones you prefer.
Not just to be a contrarian -there are indeed, "low" power SS amps that garner much praise. Thus the assumption that high a power amplifier,is a "better" one, should probably dismissed while exploring, what as Bob_bundus aptly elaborated, is the best total system that suits your preferences.
I am of the school that believes that " high fidelity" as in closely resembling the actual music played is only a matter of approximating the original. The rest is highly subjective. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with that.
t is common knowledge that the measurement parameters despite obeying the laws of physics are not neccesarily meaningful as percieved by the listener. This fact is perplexing but I am sure you will agree if you listen to a variety of amps with "good" measurments, You might even find that some with the most power and lowest distortion are not the ones you prefer.
Not just to be a contrarian -there are indeed, "low" power SS amps that garner much praise. Thus the assumption that high a power amplifier,is a "better" one, should probably dismissed while exploring, what as Bob_bundus aptly elaborated, is the best total system that suits your preferences.
I am of the school that believes that " high fidelity" as in closely resembling the actual music played is only a matter of approximating the original. The rest is highly subjective. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with that.