Is the Audio Ref-6SE worth 7K more than the BAT VK-80?

Greeting all,

I looking to replace an venerable Sonic Frontiers Line Stage Once Pre-Amp. I been looking hard at two products. The Audio Research Ref-6SE $17K and the newly released BAT VK-80 $10K. 

These will be mated with a Pair of EVO-400's set up as Mono-Blocks and re-tubed KT-150's I like their snap over the stock EL-34's. My tastes in Pre-Amps is it has to be good with vocals but so overly warm and syrupy. That it cannot flesh out the detail within and recording, or sacrifice tightness and punch in the bass. In short it needs to provide resolution over sweetness. The Amps drive a pair of Legacy Focus SE speakers. These things do not like anything in the signal chain that fattens the low end.

Music preference are Rock, Metal and Classical. Think: Pat Benatar, Heart, Def Leopard, Evanescence, Lacuna Coil, Metallica, Bach Organ Works, and Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture and you get the picture the bombastic material I like.

I enjoy how both Pre-Amps mate with my system. However, it seems that Ref-6SE dances with my setup a little better that the BAT. My crackpot theory, is its more at home with sonic character of  the KT=150's which is what their Reference 160-M/S amps use.

Nonetheless, The BAT's build quality is more impressive, and I feel I really get something for my $10K. So it seems to me that I am paying a lot for that Audio Research prestige, than quality. Not a fan of a $17k Pre-Amp that comes with a plastic remote. That to me is a major turn off. So what other chintzy things are they doing with this component, in order to increase their profit margin?

Any additional thoughts and opinions are appreciated.



I’ve owned BAT preamps and can attest to their superb quality. I’d never purchase a $17k preamp and never buy into the hype of overpriced audio gear. Learn when great sound is good enough. Don’t chase your own tail in the pursuit of overpriced gear. 

I have owned several Audio Research preamps including the Reference 5SE and currently the Reference 6SE. No hype and not overpriced… priced in line with performance. 

My two cents ;  I'm listening to ARC Ref 6 (not yet been wiling to pay the price to update to SE) feeding ARC Ref 75SE amp running 4 KT 150s.  My Ref 6 came with a heavy solid aluminum remote.  Can't imagine the Ref 6SE having a plastic remote but I cannot say for sure.  The thick plastic top on the Ref 6 is quite sturdy, provides excellent heat dissipation and I love looking at the tubes and the very pleasing layout of the internal parts.  I have heard that the 6SE has an even thicker plastic top.  A couple years ago I stopped being able to listen to my system because the music kept distracting me.  So while some extra cash would encourage some upgrades, basically I am quite satisfied where I am now.  I see that the Ref 6 is showing up used or as new dealer stock being sold off for around 10K, then the upgrade to 6SE is 3K so one could end up with a Ref 6SE for 14K.

There is nothing overly sweet or syrupy from my system, maybe slightly warm, and with great tight bass punch.  I had wanted and got naturalness with nothing added, nothing taken away by the electronics (in so far as possible).  This is what I have.  The only drawback is that I am at the mercy of the quality of the source material as what goes in from my front end is what I get.  My system does not mask or improve poor recordings.  (Though, oddly, I have never heard youtubes being so listenable as now.)  The sound I get is unquestionably resolving and detailed without sweetness - and natural rather than noticeably

I listen to classic & progressive rock, small group jazz both vocal & instrumental, classical (prefer chamber music), some electronica, some world music - India, Indonesia, eastern Europe, middle Eastern - and all kinds of eclectic stuff depending on my mood.  I listen for realism and emotional response.  For me, at least for now, ARC does the job.  (Of course front end and wires also matter.)

Unfortunately I am not familiar with BAT, it was too long ago that I demoed some of their gear for me to make any comment.  Best advice is always to listen to your options - preferably in your system in your room - because everyone has different tastes in sound reproduction, different ears, different cerebral decoding and different opinions of what is good or better . . . on not. 


@vinocour +1 Good summary. You have a great system… very synegistic electronics.

The Reference 6 is a world class preamp. The 6SE does sound better, but it is really a question of how much money you have and associated equipment, it is not a night and day difference..


The supplier of metal remotes to Audio Research suddenly discontinued them… so for a time the Ref series came only with plastic, but the Trent the new owner assured new metal remotes would be built and supplied to current owners. I believe they are now becoming available.


Just in case anyone thinks the plastic top is somehow an attempt to save money… it is not, was designed because it sounded better than the metal one. The way to create great audio products is to evaluate every aspect of the design.