is my room small for a pair of B&W 802's

My listening room is a dedicated listening room 18.6 by 14.5 I would like to put a pair of B&W 802's in but I am worried it would be over kill for the room. I will drive them with a pair of Mcintosh MC501's or Classe mono 400's. Am I too big for the room? Also what amp would you think is best suited for these beasties. Pass Labs, Classe, Mcintosh, or Bryston. Solid state only.
Thanks for your time and insight,
Your room dimensions are sufficient to handle N-802's, perhaps a bit large if you are looking at the old matrix 802's. Classe mono 400's are probably overkill unless you like techno music at 100+ db.
If you haven't bought them, look at other speakers to compare cost to value. Our american dollar is worthless, and therefore British imports are VERY expensive for what you get. By all means, if the B&W's are your choice stick with it, however, be sure that competing brands have been auditioned and rejected. Don't worry about the room size. It sounds as though you have enough power. It will take careful setup and room treatment, but that should not be your issue at the moment. Be sure B&W is where you want to head.
I use to live in 16m2 listening room with N802. No problem with bas and better overall balance then my current 35m2 listening room. After four years I change N802 with 803D and make mistake. Found Pass X250.5 great with B&W.