Is Luxman a poor man's D'Agostino ?

Both separates and integrateds.
What do you think ?

Showing 12 responses by inna

No Parasound then, sounds terrible.
I got it. There is no poor man's D'Agostino. Forget about it, the same I suppose with Gryphon. 

I read that too, and I am kind of suspicious. There are always certain things, including audio equipment, that many people do like and for good reasons. But this also often means that those things are nothing really special, just solid good value stuff. Like Toyota cars. Toyota Landcruiser used to be special, though. I prefer gear that has character. 
Yeah, nobody is wrong, even some piece of junk can sound great to someone. Fine with me. 
Anyway, a few days ago I almost bought used Gryphon Diablo 120. The price was right but I still decided that it was a little too much for me, and also thought that I would wait, that maybe Diablo 300 with phono would be better even if I would have to wait longer.
D'Agostino will always be out of reach, well, maybe in ten years I'll get Momentum used.
I like both D'Agostino and Gryphon appearance, and absolutely hate DarTzeel's. Other Swiss look okay to me.
Tastes differ. D'Agostino has otherworldly extravagant appearance. Luxman is just your vintage like dull box.
Don't be so literal, man. I don't know who can afford what. We are talking about Audiogon neighborhood. Here it appears that quite a number of people can afford at least Luxman integrated. As for D'Agostino, some seem to be able to afford it too, and more. I can afford used Luxman integrated too but not new top of the line. But I will wait with the amp upgrade. I never thought of Coda so maybe I should. Can someone describe how it sounds in words that would create a more or less clear picture ?  Maybe also by contrasting and comparing it with other brands.
If it is an underrated brand then perhaps we could correct it.
Well, maybe we got to save up for a little longer and get D'Agostino. I certainly would do exactly that. I don't want to spend almost $10k and have something which is pretty good, better spend $20k and have an amp which is on a different level.
Personally, I am not interested in Japanese transistor electronics, American and European for me please. As for tubes, that's different, here I don't discriminate. That Wavac has always been mine, I just can't get a hold of it.
Soulution gets excellent press, appears to be quite different from D'Agostino, and Gryphon is different still. The choice would probably very much depend on taste and speakers, that are also chosen according to one's taste. 
The man who is selling it says he has to sell because he is losing business. Sucks.