Is it worth upgrading a CD player?

I’ve had my Marantz CD6002 for around 14 years and it’s still going strong. I have it connected to an Audiolab M-DAC+ and play via my Rega amp. I’m mostly vinyl but have started to playvmy CD’s more recently and wondered whether upgrading the CD player would be worth it or not, given the fact it’s played via a dedicated DAC. Am I right in thinking there would be little noticeable improvement?


Showing 19 responses by charles1dad


For an extra $900, it appears to be worth the cost for the CDT3Mk3.

Agree with this mindset. If you are going to commit to a high quality audio component then you may as well try to extract its fullest potential. Addressing vibration and resonance management is wise in my opinion.

ps, you auditioned 12 different isolation products? Whew! That’s a lot.😊


Current Accustic Art CD transport has adapted the CD Pro-8

DRIVE II highlights

  • Audiophile reference CD transport in top-loader design
  • High-Class CD mechanism (CD-Pro8) with heavy die-cast metal frame and involved mechanical decoupling, embedded in a 

Audionet has replaced the Phillips Pro-2 drive (Out of production for quite some time) with as @acresverde noted the Stream Unlimited CD Pro-8 drive unit


Hi @acresverde

If there is one consistent aspect to high end audio, it’s differing opinions and impressions of audio products. It does not matter how much praise or accolades are heaped on a product, invariably there will be someone with a contrasting view/experience.

Ebaen will honestly report what he hears, his specific verdict. Christiaan Punter of HiFi reviewed both also. In his opinion, the Jay’s Audio CDT3 MK III was clearly superior he believed. Who’s right? Both are in my opinion as it is all purely subjective.

I have not heard either of the Jay’s Audio CD transports. Yet I believe both are terrific options. Based on what I’ve been able to gather, I would think that the flagship CDT3 MK III is higher performing due in part to the higher quality Phillips drive mechanism compared to the CDT2 MK III.

With regard to the Stream Unlimited CD Pro-8 top loading drive mechanism , it’s finding its way into some upper tier transports. Based on my own experience, I certainly understand why. It’s fabulous as implemented in the Pro-Ject RS2T.


Stream Unlimited does manufacturer top loaders and tray loaders. I was just referencing the top loading  CD Pro-8 drive unit specifically as it’s also selected by Gryphon and others. I have no doubt that the well respected Bryston utilizing the Stream Unlimited mechanism is exceptionally good.

The key thing, in common with other top-flight CD transports is its dedication to CD playback only. There’s no attempt to be a jack of all trades multi media utility. Just strict and focused attention to Redbook CD. I bet that this dedicated Bryston is excellent.



could you provide a link? I didn’t know that Bryston had a top loader CD transport. I see their BCD-3 dedicated tray mechanism transport. The Stream Unlimited CD Pro-8 drive is a top loading unit. If Bryston has adapted this, that’s terrific news!


What I find disconcerting is the conversion of the initial data stream is achieved by up-sampling to mega hertz before down converting to one of 13 selectable sampling rates for the CD format to higher sampling rates. Did they just plug in a chip which they programmed to alter sampling rates?

I am of the same mindset. I just want a high quality well thought out transport to play the native/original signal to the best of its ability. I’m not interested or attracted to any up sampling/manipulation/algorithms/digital filtering alternatives.

I understand that others find this approach desirable and seek it. To each their own. Many options are available for whatever one may want.



Yep! It would be a wonderful situation if we could audition components that interest us in our homes prior to purchase. Just isn’t possible with all of them. If you have any interest in the Pro-Ject RS 2T, you could get it from an online seller like Audio Advisor /Music Direct with a 30 day trial period and judge for yourself.

The flagship Jay’s Audio CDT3 MK III seems like it could be a really fine transport. Given your vast experience with CD players/transports and your methodical approach I believe that you’ll acquire the right choice for you. I’m having a new DAC built for me now (In Ukraine) an Abbas Audio 3.2SE. I’m really looking forward to pairing it with the splendid RS2T.


Have you heard any CDPs that compare at under $10K or above to your system? Such as the Luxman 03X, Accuphase DP450 (or more expensive DP550), Audio Note 4.1 (expensive too), Ayon CD10 or CD 35 II. Could it be better purchasing an equally good or better sounding CDP for $4K to $15K than adding a $5k transport to my system or are symbiotic matched separates (like yours) better in the same price range?

This is a list of really good contenders. Of your list I’ve only heard the Audio Note and Ayon but under audio show conditions in single brand system format. You could not make a bad choice with any of these. High quality CD player is a fine alternative to separate transport-DAC arrangement. You have very good options with your given budget.

Ayon and Audio Note take decidedly different paths to design and approach. I do not know which philosophical camp you adhere to (oversampling/up sampling vs NOS/No digital filtering), but both succeed in their own ways. I like the flexibility separate transport and DAC allow. In terms of sound quality, I do not believe there is a penalty if one chooses a CD player if it is high quality.

You have a very large CD collection and I’m sure that many of them are cherished. It makes perfect sense to want a top-quality CD playback system to fully appreciate them. So, an upper tier CD player or separates. Either will deliver for you.



I understand, it’s High End audio and everyone has an opinion. Invariably someone will prefer one or the other. There will never be an universal consensus. This is why I advocate either CD transport. I haven’t heard the Jay’s Audio transports but trust opinions of Agon members who have. You’ll have no difficulty finding listeners praising either Jay’s or RS2T.

I don’t happen to agree with the “over priced” opinion, but that’s me. The RS2T offers the lowest entry price to get the Stream Unlimited CD Pro-8:Blue Tiger servo integrated drive get in other transports

1Aqua Audio Diva II (Current version) about10K

2 Acustic Arts Drive II about 17K

3 Gryphon ETHOS CD player 35K.

Jay’s Audio uses the very fine but out of production Phillips drive mechanism. I am not saying that the more expensive transports (Using Stream Unlimited) don’t offer additional feature/factors. But that Drive unit is a very important and vital piece of the sonic picture. BTW sound quality is excellent with the supplied SMPS. It’s just that good as it is, it can be further improve with a good LPS. This is what I did.

I believe if I owned a Jay’s Audio CD transport I’d be very pleased with it. Particularly their flagship CDT3 MK III. I do not believe that there is only one path to excellent CD sound. I just happen to know based on my own experience the RS2T is one way to get there among others. Agon member wig has owned the CDT2 MK III and has the RS2T. You should email him via this site.

Bottom line is I don’t believe you could go wrong with either transport, either is capable of making you happy in my opinion.



1. Yep, the Pro-Ject RS2T definitely has a small form factor as intended for the smaller footprint goal. It is supplied with a wall wart SMPS. They offer an optional LPS or one can purchase another brand of LPS.

All I can pass along to you is, this transport has fabulous sound quality. Yes, even with the SMPS. I did purchase an external LPS and it did improve further. IMHO the RS2T is a terrific CD transport as numerous reviews have attested. However, I understand it just may not be for you. No single component/product will please everyone, that’s for sure.

2. I do believe that the Jays Audio transports would be an excellent choice for you. Earlier in this thread (11/14) I posted a link to reviews of the Jay’s audio CDT3 MK III. In the Hifi Advice review comparisons are made between the CDT3 MK III and their CDT2 MK III.

The flagship CDT3 MK III is considered the clearly better transport, granted at 2x the cost. A number of factors were given as to why this is so. Given what you are seeking, I believe their flagship model is what you are looking for. I strongly suspect you would be very happy with this choice. If the RS2T didn’t exist, I would own the CDT3 ML III.

Best wishes




I think that’s a good decision at this point. I don’t believe that at your current budget limit you’d achieve a “night and day “ difference. A significant improvement is possible but in my opinion would require an upper tier quality dedicated  CD transport as mentioned earlier in this discussion.



Well, congratulations on acquiring the new DAC. A further step upwards? Even more of a reason for an upper tier CD transport such as the CDT3 MK III if you decide to spin CDs. 😊



@facten, May well just be me but I’m now confused about what you are after

Yes, what is the goal?


A lengthy review (As is his norm) but he is detailed and makes very useful comparisons.



I viewed your audio system and it is exceptionally nice. You Mojo Audio DAC is held in very high esteem. Benjamin Zwickel (Owner/builder Mojo Audio) did publicly express a preference for high level CD transports over streamers.

You represent a good example of potentially pairing an upper tier DAC with a similar tier transport.

I use the Pro-Ject RS2T which is excellent sounding. I don’t have a Jay’s Audio CD transport but based on reviews and owner testimonials, they are excellent high quality choices. From what I have been able to gather,  as good as the CDT2 MK III is, the big brother CDT3 MK III is the superior CD transport. I had read a review comparing the two siblings. The reviewer said the top model was in his opinion substantially better sounding (And he really liked the smaller (CDT2 MK III).

As you note, it’s double the cost. Given the high level of your audio system and certainly your DAC, I would opt for the CDT3. Of course this assumes you find it a comfortable budget fit. You may as well try to extract the highest degree of sound quality you can from your digital/CDs.

My strong suspicion is that the CDT3 and your DAC would yield superb sound quality as a pairing.

Best wishes,




I have so far doubted that the delta between the sound quality from my streamer/server and that provided by a transport playing physical CDs would be large enough to outweigh the convenience of streaming, at least for me.

If you really enjoy streaming music and it’s your predominant listening choice, I’d recommend that you just stick with it. On the other hand it you genuinely appreciate CD ownership,handling interaction and listening, then pursue a high quality dedicated CD transport. The best you can afford.

Redbook 16/44 can be/is absolutely superb sounding if a higher tier DAC and higher tier transport are carefully selected and paired. This has been my outcome.



I’d suggest ignoring any advice that suggests that the transport doesn’t matter, that bits are bits, yada , yada, yada

I agree with your entire post and particularly this wise advice.
OP if you’re really happy with your current situation and sound quality, leave it alone. If you are determined to extract more from your CD listening experience, that is definitely possible. Just depends on what you are ultimately trying to accomplish.

As facten said, ignore the “bits is bits” mindset. A dedicated high quality CD transport will very positively impact your listening experience. DAC quality matters , and so does transport quality. A mediocre CD /digital source is only going to mitigate what a good DAC is capable of providing. Better CD transport means better DAC performance. This comprises your digital front end. They work in harmony as a pair, not in isolation from one another.

Inevitably all topics concerning CD playback will have the streaming alternative thrown in. Just the way it is now. That’s your call obviously. I believe that nearly everyone at this point is aware of the existence of streaming. However, there are plenty of listeners who prefer physical media and spinning CDs. Strange as that may be. So strictly a preference issue. 
