Is it worth fixing my clear audio concept

Hi guys I was wondering if it is worth fixing my concept. I accidentally ripped out the ground wire fork and also ripped out one of my tone arm wires that plug into the cart. I know.nothing about fixing this stuff or how expensive it might be.  Is it worth fixing?  If not does it have any value?  Bottom line is if it’s not worth the effort I am going to get a rega rp8.  Thanks for what ever information you can give me.      Charles 
have it fixed. you can post pictures in the virtual systems section of this website.
ask Clearaudio for a recommended repair center.
sandstone, thanks that is what I thought but not that familiar with this specific arm. My great preference is for arms like this with continuous phono leads. The cartridge signal is exceedingly faint and the worst thing you can do is run it through a bunch of connections. Hard wired phono leads like this one are a lot better. This is the kind of thing where an accident repair can easily turn into a worthy upgrade. Far better to put a couple hundred into repairing and upgrading this wire than trying to buy a whole new turntable. Especially since this table will get you next to nothing in this condition. So it really needs to be fixed either way. Might as well do it right and have a better table in the end.
Thanks guys. I found a place in Asheville that fixes turntables,  I have a verify tone arm and want to upgrade it as was mentioned.  Can you tell me what the upgrade is  called so I can ask for it by name.  I really didn’t want to buy a new turntable because me integrated amp is my weakest link.  I have an arcam a22.  I want to buy something on this website used for about 2500 used, which should be a good upgrade
while in Asheville go see some great live music at the Orange Peel and at Jack of the Wood tavern…man i miss them both.

I think you want the arm rewired w very similar wire that is in there, probably a litz with some silver… Specify a top grade Cardas for simplicity 

Start a separate thread on your integrated search. At that price point you have many, many excellent choices…
@charlessinchuk is the place in Asheville, agreed with @tomic601 great town, a Clearaudio dealer? If it’s just a random repair place they might not do wiring upgrades.