Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall

I keep looking for the best speakers to stand flush against the front wall and end up looking at the usual suspects: North Creek Kitty Kat Revelators, Allisons (now old), Von Schweikert VR-35, NHT Classic 4s, Audio Note AN/K, and other sealed or front ported speakers. But I have never understood how, even though the bass is controlled, they can defy the law of physics and image as well as, say, my great actually owned other speakers, Joseph Audio Pulsars, far out in the room? Is it physically possible for these flush mounted speakers to image as well?

Showing 1 response by nonoise

My Tonians are just 18" from the front wall and they "image" quite well, thank you. Depth is the only thing that is compromised but image specifity and placement never waver and what is layered is good enough for my mind to complete the illusion.

Better recordings are the exception with layering as good as it gets, IMO.

If room constraints require near field listening, I wouldn't worry at all.

All the best,