Is it necessary to clean every record?

I'm constantly buying used records, some of which are in excellent to mint condition. I put them in an ever growing stack of "to be cleaned" records, some of which are now several years old, because I have a rule not to play records that haven't been through the VPI machine. Is it really necessary to clean the ones that appear as if they've never been played? I listen to a Planar 25, Classe integrated, and Spica TC-60's. I'd appreciate your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by pbb

That is part and parcel of the great world of vinyl. Why forego such a treat. Even the dirt that you don't see can affect the record. Firstly, it may not sound right, secondly, you can damage the record permanently by having the stylus go trough miles of crud. You have the machine so why not use it. Call it work. Call it a ritual. Just do it. Have cds spoiled you or what?