Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?

Showing 8 responses by handymann

@almarg : Hi Al.  I,m taking steps to acquire a PreMATE Plus at the first of the year and am selling some seldom used gear, to help offset the cost.  I have a subjective question, concerning the connection of my Theta Miles CD player.  I am currently using the Theta through its analog balanced outs, going into my Aesthetix Signature linestage.  I decided to run the Theta through my Casablanca 3 and must admit, it sounded a little clearer, than the Aesthetix.  I have a Kora Hermès II, also presently not in the chain, that I thought I may use in front of the Deqx unit.  Do you have an opinion on which would give me the better sound?  Theta straight to the Deqx, or Theta + Kora+ Deqx?  Without the Miles own dac, I would be using a digital cable apron 20’ long, as I’m already using a better quality set of XLR’s to my linestage.  Also,I have the Casablanca up for sale and couldn’t find a fair true price, to ask for the unit.  I simply checked the blue book and compared it to other CB3’s on the market.  I’m not trying to gouge anyone-just not sure about the asking price.  One more question-I’m planning on getting the M23 mic, but can get it for about half the cost Larry is asking.  Do you know of anyone who has done this, then purchased the mic files?  One last comment.  For my two JL F113’s, I’m using a separate preamp coming out of the linestage tape out.  This gives me total separate volume control, over my subs.  My Wilson’s have very deep bass and I use the separate sub volume control, to offset any lacking in bass, depending on the source’s bass output.  It’s a setup that has worked very well, in tailoring the bass to fit the source.
Thanks in advance,
Al:  I should be receiving my Premate Plus, within the next week or so.  I think I remember you said you built a small 'booth", around your calibration mic, when doing your calibration.  Do you think this was a benefit and would it be worth my time?


Thanks Al.  I have several panels like that mounted to my walls and under my TT platform.  I also have some home made ASC tubes I considered using, placing two on each side, forming a triangular effect.  I will have to raise them about a foot, to get them around my high frequency drivers.  I'm excited and looking forward to hearing how the DEQX sounds.  Will let you know how it goes.
Thanks for getting back to me.

DEQX turns out to be a no go
I returned the deqx premate plus today.  It sounded good, but didn't improve my over all sound that much.  Because I use two monoblocks, there was no alignment of time, concerning the different drivers, but it did do a great job of intergrating my subs.  Larry Owens is a pleasure to work with and must recommend him to anyone entertaining the thought of acquiring a deqx unit.

Before my session with Larry, I was asked to put my speakers on castors, so we could take individual sound readings of each speaker placed in the middle of the room.  Didn’t happen,  Just took a reading of the listening position, with each speaker in their normal place in relation to the listening position. I was also led to believe I would have to gain access to each of the internal crossovers to achieve the time alignment. Didn’t happen. I should mention my best friend passed unexpectedly the day before my session and my head just wasn’t in it,  Larry spent a lot of time setting up my deqx, but didn’t go through many of the steps I thought he would.  
@almarg :
I'm not sure why he didn't want to take the time, to fully set up my Premate, but it definitely had a bearing on the outcome.
I tried the Premate Plus, but didn’t get the results I expected. My speakers have a single input, so that restricted me from hearing it’s full potential and I wasn’t prompted to get individual speaker readings, during my on line session. It did a great job with my sub management. I found a dbx Venu 360 that satisfied my needs. It has time delay, subwoofer management and endless settings. I’m very happy with the dbx. Check it out. You may be amazed at its potential. 
 I think you will find your dbx unit very accommodating.  It's done wonders for my sub integration.  It's abilities to control time delay, parametric as well as graphic eq is very good.  You can control the "Q" on your mains,, gain, subharmonics etc. all through an ipad or laptop.  It also auto room eq.