Is anyone using LAST?

Has anyone used LAST (record preservative) and if so, what are your thoughts? I used it years ago, before I got out of vinyl, and don't remember having any problems. Since getting back into vinyl (about 3 years now) I've started using it again.
In Stereophile, a few issues ago, someone wrote Fremer and said LAST was messing up their LP's.
I 'USED' LAST.. but no more. I just got into vinyl less than 4 months ago and LAST was the first cleaning system that I bought. I bought the vinyl cleaner+preservative, and also the stylus cleaner+preservative.

But I found that in my system, the the LAST preservative make my vinyl sounding dull and roll-off.

So I have stop using the preservative, I still use the stylus cleaner though. As for vinyl cleaning, I have switched to Audio Intelligent 3-step solutions.
I have been using LAST since the early 80's and have had no problems whatsoever. My record surfaces are extremely quiet with no signs of wear - I am a firm believer in LAST.

The person who claims that LAST is "messing up their albums" is either not using it correctly or has a more serious underlying problem.
I've been using it for a few months without any problems. Though this hardly constitutes scientific evidence in favor of LAST, Fremer has a note at the end of his September column, indicating that he's heard from a number of people reporting no ill effects. As I recall, the initial complainant said his LAST-treated records sounded fine on his system but seemed lifeless when he played them on a friend's system that was more highly resolving -- interesting, but would this necessarily indicate that the LAST must be the problem? Seemed to me that he was jumping to conclusions.
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I've never had a problem with LAST record preservative messing up an LP, and I used to use it regularly with probably 2000 LPs treated over the years.

However, since upgrading my turntable/tonearm combination and switching to Disc Doctor and now Walker Audio Prelude cleaning solution, I've stopped using it. After cleaning with Prelude, if I add LAST I now hear a slight sonic signature from the LAST that is not objectionable, but that I'd just as soon not have. Still, I've never experienced LAST preservative "messing up" an LP.
Well, I am not using it now, but used the cleaner and preservative on all my LPs back in the 80's/90's. And everyone of them that I used it on, even those that had not been played in 12 years or more, have been fine (still quiet and sound fine). In other words, no problems for me.