Is anyone using LAST?

Has anyone used LAST (record preservative) and if so, what are your thoughts? I used it years ago, before I got out of vinyl, and don't remember having any problems. Since getting back into vinyl (about 3 years now) I've started using it again.
In Stereophile, a few issues ago, someone wrote Fremer and said LAST was messing up their LP's.

Showing 1 response by mahlerfan

I've been using it for a few months without any problems. Though this hardly constitutes scientific evidence in favor of LAST, Fremer has a note at the end of his September column, indicating that he's heard from a number of people reporting no ill effects. As I recall, the initial complainant said his LAST-treated records sounded fine on his system but seemed lifeless when he played them on a friend's system that was more highly resolving -- interesting, but would this necessarily indicate that the LAST must be the problem? Seemed to me that he was jumping to conclusions.