Is anyone aware of a 2 channel preamp....

That has home theater bypass for 2 channels and 2 subs (and dual sub out) while incorporating some sort of bass management for the two channel?

Seems like unicorn based on my research.

Ag insider logo xs@2xesthlos13
Outlaw Audio RR2160 Stereo Receiver

Not a preamp exclusively, but appears to have the features you are looking for, albeit in a 'receiver':

So you know, the 2 sub out is usually just a convenience. It is not usually electrically superior to using a Y-splitter.

Parasound has the P5, P7 (recommended) and now the NewClassic 200

I also think the Zpre has a dedicated HT bypass input.

Forgot to mention, read the docs carefully. The P7 has bass management, but in HT mode, it disables it's internal bass management in favor of external.
I have an Outlaw ICBM-1 that I am not using and maybe time to sell. Might get close to where you want.