Bummer, was hoping and thought the tubes in the SE Baby was the Russian military version of an EL84. They are probably built in the same factory since the amps clearly resemble each other
Is a Sophia Electric Baby & Yarland FV-34C MkIV the same amp internally?
Recently I picked up the above Yarland tube integrated amp and noticed it uses the same tube configuration and layout as the Sophia Electric Baby. I believe they are also both Class A Push Pull & 12 wpc.
While the Baby only has 1 input, the Yarland has 2. I was wondering if anyone was familiar with these int amps and knew about the internals of each of them? I assume both are manufactured at the same factory?
Seems like there are several Chinese tube amps with different labels that look quite identical? When they look the same, how does one know which brand is better?
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