Internet Tuner


Would anyone like to share their experience with either a dedicated internet tuner or a unit with a speaker & optical out that can serve double-duty as a stand alone or portable?
I am not sure where you got that information. I hope they are not doing that. It would be a shame. But CDs don't sound bad. Well recorded CDs sound very close to SACDs.
I'd like to get some hi rez files too. I wonder though if services like Acoustic Sounds or Eluvsive Disc simply take existing 16/44.1 files and upsample them.

Pono files, which are in FLAC format hi rez files (and so are playable by many players) are, I believe, actually re-sampled from the analogue.and are truly hi rez. I'd like to get a Pono player and go through route to play hi resolution files.
Good to know that you liked the Auris. I wish more folks here would try it out instead of the expensive bluetooth DACs. They would be in for a nice surprise. My family/friends now have the ability to stream their music via bluetooth on my system. I have since found some nice music I had not heard before. But the biggest benefit is to listen to albums before purchasing the CD/SACD.
I have also downloaded some hi rez files (192khz samples) and streamed them to the Auris using foobar2000. Pretty nice sounding. I am thinking of buying some hi rez files from sites like Acoustic Sounds or Elusive Disc which really offer these kinds of files.
Re the aPT-X, I saw some specs on the BT400 which including a list of supported protocols. aPT-X was not among them. Also they don't advertise it, which they probably would (as does the BluMe).

I had to re-install the software but now I'm really happy with both the BluMe and the ASUS, including the sound quality.
I have not streamed Sirius/XM from my phone. But I do stream Spotify and other apps with no dropouts.
The power adapter does not come with the unit. I used a Apple 12W power adapter. You may be right that the Asus is not aPT-X compliant. How did you find that out?
I went the manual mail route for the rebate.
Hi milpai, The crackling noise has stopped. I guess I had a loose connection.

I have the ASUS BT400 plugged into my computer now. Bluetooth works really well, both with iTunes and streaming. Only drawback of the unit is that it doesn't support APT-X. 

ASUS has a $5 rebate - you can pay $0.50 to have them process it faster! (I did). 
Does yours have a power adapter? Mine came with a micro usb cable, which I plug into a usb-wall socket adapter which is plugged into a standard socket.

Streaming Sirius/XM from my smartphone results in annoying dropouts. Streaming music I have downloaded on my smartphone works well.
That's strange. What power adapter are you using? Maybe check if your cables are too close to power sources? Not sure why this is happening in your system.
I'm picking up my ASUS usb connector tomorrow.

For some reason, the first time I touch it I get some kind of static through the speakers. I touch it again it doesn't happen. Not sure how to prevent this.
When the Auris is not connected to any device, the blue light flashes rapidly.
Once connected to a device, it flashes slowly.

What are your thoughts on the Auris bluMe?
Hi milpai, do your blue light on the BluMe flash while you're connected and listening?
It is USB-BT400. $12.29 on Amazon. Then fill the rebate form for $5. Can't beat the price.
My laptop is Asus S400C. The bluetooth is USB-BT400. I am sure it would work with iTunes as well. I am not sure if the laptop is aptx compliant. The Aruis is. But I like the flexibility that this configuration of laptop+Auris provides. Some of the songs that I play through Spotify or other apps are comparable to CD. No complaints from my side.
I've owned a Rocketfish Bluetooth receiver for perhaps a year now. I also tried out an Audioengine Bluetooth receiver. I gave back the Audioengine as for some reason in my application my Bluetooth sourced needed to be incredibly close- the Rocketfish is better in this regard. I use Tunein Radio to access internet radio stations. The sound is ok.

Lately, I went a different route. I use my MacBook Pro, go to Tunein Radio, and via USB, connect the laptop to my DAC (the Rocketfish is also connected to my DAC). I'm finding that the hard wired laptop to DAC method title better sound. Yet given a clean FM signal, my tuner is capable of more vivid sonics. 

Overall, I will use whichever source gives me static-free results. For instance, now I'm listening to Swiss Jazz, which in impossible for me to receive otherwise. But WBGO? I'm on the fringe of the reception area. Sometimes sounds ok on air, sometimes sounds miserable. Wish they broadcast from the WTC and at higher power. 
Hi milpai,

What is the model# of your asus? Is it aptx compliant?

Will it work wirh iTues?

Cool, Thanks for sharing Jim. Hope the bluMe turns out to be a boon in your system, the way it has been in mine. Do let me know how it goes.
Hi milpai,

I have a Prima Luna Prologue 1 tube amp, a new pair of Vandersteen 1ci speakers, Zu Audio old stock speaker cable and inter-connects, a Cullen cable perfect plug, an old Pioneer CD changer, an HRT usb DAC that I occasionally plug into my computer, and a google cast music device which I haven't been able to put to good use.

I'll soon be acquiring a 2nd hand Pono player as well as the Blume.

Been on a roll the last few months. Speakers, cables are all new. Started when I purchased the CD changer 2nd hand $35 bucks.

I would like to hear from you on your experience with the Auris.
BTW, can you provide some details on your primary music system.
I purchased an Auris Blume on ebay today. Primarily I will use it with my Android phone + Sirius/XM.

I thought it would be great to use it with my PC now and then, for Sirus/XM and maybe iTunes to play music from my harddrive.
I was able to connect the Bluetooth adaptor to my laptop and play songs from Spotify (free version), without the "Shuffle Play" option (yeah, I am cheap). The tablet does not allow you to play songs in the order you want. So I am all set with the Auris and the Asus Bluetooth adapter.
You are welcome Jim.
Are you trying to connect a laptop/desktop to the Auris? My laptop does not have bluetooth. So I ordered a Asus Bluetooth adaptor for my laptop which is being delivered today. This is for about $12 and there is a $5 rebate on it :-). I will let you know how it wrks out in my system. My Samsung tablet connect without any issues to the Auris.
milpai do you know of a good usb bluetooth transmitter that is compatible with the Auris?
Thanks. This is a good recommendation.  The app I use is Sirius/XM. This will do the job nicely. As a bonus I can stream the audio from the occasional YouTube vid.
Like you, I was searching for a Internet Tuner for listening to "Folk Alley", a HD radio channel that I got interested last year. I found the app for this channel on Android tablet/smartphone. I simply purchased a audiophile quality Bluetooth receiver (Auris bluMe, on my system page) and since have been enjoying that radio channel. Try this option - I think you will like it better.