This turn brings me back! In the early 90’s I switched from Vandersteen 2C’s (which were the speakers that first brought me into the high end) to Proac Supertowers (I believe I was influenced by a review by Jack English...). Those speakers brought more information, which the 2C’s somewhat lacked, and they were challenging speakers to tame! In fact, too challenging, as I ended up trading them out within a year for a more forgiving speaker. Darker tubes, definitely were the only way to go!
Interesting video with Richard Vandersteen talking about his subs
Warning, I own and love Vandersteen Quatro's. I did find this video highly informative. He discusses subs in general and how HE decides to implement them wiht not just his speakers, but any. He talks about freeing the main amp from 100hz down to allow your amp to sound better. It also takes on the signature of your amp, which I first hand have heard many times. Hope you enjoy as much as I did.