Interesting video on cables

At the risk of opening up this can of worms again, my brother sent me this video.  It’s incredibly interesting and goes some way to showing why cables matter and that all cables are not equal.  These are USB cables but I’m sure the principle applies to speaker and IC cabling.




Showing 1 response by helomech

No, this video is not proof that the gimmickry employed by audio cable manufacturers is anything other than just that. Completely different applications. Time and time again, measurements have proven that cheap audio/power cables perform as well or even better than the ultra expensive stuff hawked by the likes of snake oil companies such as Synergistic Research. Those are just the facts. If you go searching for videos that prove this, you’ll find plenty. The major problem with society these days is people seek out only the data or anecdotes that support their preconceived notions. In the case of the OP, the data doesn’t even apply to the topic under debate. 
