interconnects vs speaker cables vs power cords - which make the biggest difference?

Like the subject line says, I am curious what others think in terms of whether interconnects, speaker cable or power cords make the biggest difference when it comes to noticeable sound improvements, or are they all equally important?  I am thinking of upgrading them all and am trying to decide how to allocate spending.  Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by w123ale

I’ll add that I’ve been working on upgrading PC with the help of the Cable Company (highly recommended). They recommended that I start with my power conditioner cable (big difference), the DAC ( clear difference, but not as big), pre, and amps (I haven’t done yet)—so down the chain.

I will also add, if you use digital, consider your inputs there. Going to a fiber system and good Ethernet cord definitely reduced glare (fiber did 90% of it for me).