Interconnects for MHDT Orchid

I am buying an MHDT Orchid and need some advice about RCA interconnects between the Orchid and a Hegel Integrated amp.  Speaker wires are Acoustic Zen Satori, speakers are Joseph Audio Rm25XL. Any suggestions about a good basic cable? Any Orchid users, what do you use?


i would go with a fairly transparent, lively cable, rather than one that smooths... the orchid already does that somewhat...

Connecting my Orchid I used as short of large gauge cables as I could find.  Not a lot of money but the Amazon CESS-163-8i Low Noise 12 Gauge Premium RCA Audio Line Patch Cable (8 Inches) sound really good.i know expensive cables are in fashion but these are definitely worth a try

Thanks for your responses. A "transparent, lively cable" was mentioned.

Any specific name of cables? Any other MHDT users out there?


The Audio Envy are inexpensive, transparent and lively without sacrificing the bass. Click on the link. (In case you missed it)

in addition to others mentioned, i would try lower to midgrade cables from


zu audio
