
Shortly I'll be getting a new amp. I currently have a pair of Mackenzies to connect the pass 250. 8 to my audio research 6se. Should I be spending more for the interconnects? As you can imagine I've already spent a lot of money on the components. Somebody suggested Synergistic research in the $500 range.

Should I be fine with the Mackenzies or is there something better for such high end equipment that would be in that price range? I only need a meter.

Thank you.


Showing 3 responses by soix

What specific improvements would you like to achieve from your current interconnects?

Yeah, don’t put the cart before the horse.  Settle into the new amp first and go from there.  I agree that your equipment could benefit significantly from better interconnects when the time comes.  The good news is it’s really easy to buy/sell used cables these days and try them out for little/no loss.

To answer your question, no. There is no difference between interconnects unless they have some type of resistor or other electronic altering device built it.

Ah the flat earthers once again rear their ugly head where they’re clearly not needed or wanted.  Wonderful.