Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?

I’m trying to find a HIGH QUALITY integrated that has:
1. A no-corners-cut real class A - A/B power stage.
2. A real, high quality analog preamp line stage.
3. A good phono stage.

Aside from a few very high end products, the above described integrateds seem not to exist. Why can’t I find a quality integrated? Do we just have to accept having a pile of boxes?
Thrax Audio Enyo and Ares integrated amps are true game changers and magical. All in one box units and support streaming and high resolution files. With built in Phono and Dac. They out perform  many seperates costing costing 30 to 60k

any old QED product; have not found anything better than my 240 SA, except I would like to find a QED 300 SA, which I think has front and rear speaker outs; Nakamichi, T$A is too base driven, and I no longer use it

be nice to find a well-rounded CD player and a dragon killer as well.would unload both my 1000s
The Creek Evolution 100 A seems to have plenty of power. Drives my Proac D48Rs(90db) with ease. like I said, a surprising sounding integrated, at least in my system.  
 dartzeel is a $25,000 piece
 esoteric is a $10,000 piece
McIntosh 9000 is a $10,000 piece
Thrax Enyo $11,500

Modwright kwi200-$6100 with dac and phono, $5000 without. 234,000 u/f capacitance !!!
200 wpc into 8 ohms, 
400 wpc into 4 ohms
build an entire system for $10k.