Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?

I’m trying to find a HIGH QUALITY integrated that has:
1. A no-corners-cut real class A - A/B power stage.
2. A real, high quality analog preamp line stage.
3. A good phono stage.

Aside from a few very high end products, the above described integrateds seem not to exist. Why can’t I find a quality integrated? Do we just have to accept having a pile of boxes?

Showing 3 responses by kclone

I am done with separates, at least I think so.  I am getting very enjoyable sound from integrated amps.  I see no need to add boxes when an integrated works great for me. 
The Creek Evolution 100A is indeed a very good integrated amp.  Very surprising performance at it's price point.  It's ergonomics are top notch too.   
The Creek Evolution 100 A seems to have plenty of power. Drives my Proac D48Rs(90db) with ease. like I said, a surprising sounding integrated, at least in my system.