
Responses from philemon

What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(
Hey swilber, excellent point; only lossless downloads are worth anything 
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(
I have mid-range stuff- QED, Revolver, Time Frames and Nakamichi, late 80s mid- 90s or earlier. and would have loved a Bryston and a couple of the better Elipsons (money issues)People have snapped up these old units (try to find a Dragon killer). ... 
Talk but not walk?
In my very amateur experience, that the room is the ultimate user soundboard is a fact; I believe that designers engineer with specific rooms in mind; a "soft or quiet system (QED, Creak, even Sugden) does better in a "hard room" e.g.  full plaste... 
Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?
any old QED product; have not found anything better than my 240 SA, except I would like to find a QED 300 SA, which I think has front and rear speaker outs; Nakamichi, T$A is too base driven, and I no longer use itbe nice to find a well-rounded CD...