Integrated vs. Separates on a Budget

$3000 is my max.



Showing 5 responses by ghdprentice

Given the budget amount, the best sound is likely integrated. Then If you want to improve to the next level of sound quality you can add a individual component… like first preamp, the m amp, then streamer.. or something like that.., if you want to go to the next level.

I have run speakers that most would be considered to be outclassed by my electronics for a couple of decades. Your interest in an integrated is appropriate and will get the most out of your speakers. Should you ever decide to upgrade, then you know you can upgrade your speakers and have an amp to support them.


As far as your salesman saying “The salesman at my local audio store said amp technology has not changed since the mid 80’s” The is categorically misleading and patently false. The performance levels since the 80’s has changed profoundly. This is the kind of statement to come from a salesman where I would politely as for the manager and see if the manager actually knows anything about audio.

Watts are a proxy for current. So, they may not correctly reflect their performance.


Additionally, there is the old adage that tube watts are more powerful than equivalent than solid state watts… We should avoid discussing this… too many variables and theories to be valuable, and old tales. 

91db is pretty good sensitivity. Does this does not put into the need massive power class to drive. But will likely start endless discussions of the impedance of the speakers.

There are a number of tube integrated amps of 50watts or greater that will power these well provided you are not into head banging levels of volume. Used I would think you could snag something really good. 

I prefer known highly rated and reviewed products… used VAC, Rogue, PrimaLuna. Unfortunately used Audio Research just does not come down to $3K.

I realize this is outside your budget… but it might be something to go listen to and see if you think the stretch would be worth it. The new Audio Research I/50 integrated. A friend of mine has listened to it and it is great sounding (I really like their higher powered integrateds). This has a very similar sonic character. Buying new you can usually get help on spreading out the cost over time… like zero interest. Might be something to consider. I am a big Audio Research fan.