Integrated upgrade recomendations

Hi all!  Newish to the hobby.  I've had a PS Sprout 100 and Wharfedale Denton 85 for about 2 years.  They sound great but I have the itch to upgrade. Any recommendations for an integrated amp for these speakers, or should I upgrade the speakers first?  Budget is $2000 or so


Showing 3 responses by mikeybklyn

What size space, main music system?

I would use those speakers in a second system, and get new larger speakers if the space allows. Or, no 2nd use, sell them to help pay for the speakers you move up to.

I use and very much like my Wharfedale Diamond 225, similar driver sizes and efficiency, in my office (with a single sub adding just enough that they don’t sound small).

your interesting amp does not appear to have pre-out/main-in so not ideal if you want to try a stereo pair of self-powered subs.

This is my main/only system in my den. Room is 15x15 8 foot ceilings. I am not opposed to upgrading speakers, but with the Sprout the Denton 85s fill the room nicely. Unfortunately, the digital input on the sprout stopped working and I'm out of warranty so I figured this would be a good opportunity to upgrade

Hey everyone just an update. I went to a local store here in NYC and listened to a few amps including the Rogue Sphinx v3. I went with the Sphinx it sounded awesome!