Integrated Question

I currently have Totem Forest Signatures powered by ModWright KWH 225i. I have rolled a total of three different tubes (stock JJ, Holland, Seimans), and have found the bass to be less impactful than desired. It seems to be all there, just laid back? I am considering a change in integrated.

Looking at Pass INT-250, Luxman 509z, Accuphase E-4000, and Boulder 866. Any one with experience with the above combinations? Am I heading in the right direction?

non-treated room (unable to address at this time)

Ayon S10 II / ModWright KWH 225i / Totem Forest Sig / REL S510 pr / Shunyata D6 - Delta v2 pc’s / Morrow Elite sc-interconnects (auditioning Fractal F1 next week)





I’d try experimenting with some interconnects before ditching the amp as they may give you the tweaks you’re looking for without having to throw the baby out with the bath water. I’d very highly recommend you try these Acoustic Zen Silver Ref interconnects as they’ll likely tighten up your bass and may also give you a little more upper octave detail and air without sacrificing musicality. If they don’t work out you can turn around and sell them for little/no loss and certainly much easier and cheaper than swapping amps.

Best of luck.

I am enjoying my newly acquired barely used Soulnote A-2.  I was looking for an integrated for my weekend home, and this came along.  At 100 watts per, I was a bit worried about power.  But it is more than adequate to drive my venerable 802 Nautilus speakers in a fairly large room.  I added an Auralic Altair streamer / dac running on wifi.  I also have two vintage M+K subs.  This system sounds amazing with the new Soulnote, Heads above my old Halo A51 powerhouse amp and Lexicon pre / pro.  This investment is small next to my main home system, yet puts a smile on my face!

Appreciate your responses. Soil - I have tried a few cables through either a purchase or trial from The Cable Company - Analysis Plus / Snake River Audio / AQ / Cardas / JPS / High Fidelity?

Some of the cables above offered more than the Morrow, but when cost was factored in, Morrow was best all around for the money. I have not looked into Acoustic Zen. Just looked at The Cable Company and they carry AZ may rent and give them a try.

ghdprentice - thanks. Pass was my first thought. My choices are based on what may be possible to audition within 100 miles. I am going to ask the dealers, if they would allow me to bring my 225i in and play on the same system as their integrated. Thinking that I could possibly identify the sonic differences that may carry over to my system? Crazy or not possible? Going to give it a try. Thought about Aavik and Gryphon but price is concern. Too many options.

I truly enjoy the tone and essences of my current system. Just want to sure up the bass. 

Fastfreight - Funny you brought up Soul Note. I was talking with TMR and they recommended Soul Note. I thought about waiting to see the new A3. My concern is power. Everyone I spoke to about the Totems suggest abundance of quality power. That’s why I was hesitant to consider Luxman. I am not in any way speaking poorly of Luxman but I associate it with my 225i concerning bass.

I would experiment further with different tubes, interconnects and power cord for the amp. There can be dramatic differences.

ghdprentice, what you said about SS sounding more accurate is fundamentally incorrect as a general statement. 

I don't like Pass and Luxman equipment. And they are not in the same league as Accuphase Boulder and Gryphon.