Integrated for around 1K to match with..

Looking for suggestions on an itegrated amp to go with a Denon DVD-2500 as trans. Bel Canto DAC-1 and a pair of Coincident Triumph Signatures. I currently have a set of Rogue M-120's and an Anthem Pre1L, but would like to free up some space. Hunt
Don't know if it is a match for your system, but the Audio Refinement Complete is the best $1000 (MSRP) integrated I have ever heard. I've seen its big brother the YBA Integre DT go used on eBay a number of times for around $1,000 to $1,100 including this week.
I have owned a Audio Refinement complete which I sold immediately after auditioning a Passion i11 integrated 36w EL34 $1100. Whoowee this wiped the floor with the complete check out the distributor or talk to Walter at I have spent considerable time looking for the $1000 integrateds and the sound quality of this unit should be comperable or even exceed your current setup I watched as another customer compared it to his $3500 Sonic frontiers setup. he sold th SF gear. Best of luck, Chel Illingworth
I would seriously re think to.You are going take a huge step down.I have a M120 and have used with the Coincident triumphs.Pretty special sound.these are made for each other.I use the 66 preamp.I use the Super Conquest as my main speakers and us the Triumph in a HT set up.I wish i could experience the Bel canto.You really have a nice set up.No real weak link.The grass is not allways greener.If you really must go to an integrated go with the Rogue Tempest.
David, i got myself the SFC-1 (Sonic Frontiers Control) which is basicaly combination of SF-1 pre and SF-40 amp. factory stocked with El-34,(2x50wpc) however it will use 6552, KT-88, KT-90 and KT-99a. Versatility was determing factor (price too)and of course Sonic Frontiers reputation. If anyone had chance to hear this amp, i would like to hear your opinion. Thanks!