Integrated Amplifier for Monitor Audio Silver S2 Speakers

Hello to everyone.
I have very modest system and just recently I purchased Monitor Audio Silver S2 speakers.
So far I am using NAD C356, lots of bass but of course not so much details. My room is 17'x13'x9'.
I am listening everything, from uptempo jazz to old disco music. My budget is $2000-$2500.
Thanks in advance on your opinions

+1, initially I had my theory to get the speaker of twice the cost of Integrate amplifier for better sound, later down the road, realized the amplifier is equally as important as speakers, even having good sourced can't be ignored.

First need understand what is your taste, what type of sound you like, with that in mind start your chase..

There is a used Redgum integrated from Canada for $999, 120 watt/ch. It is an incredible value and should better either Exposure or Naim, though I cannot be sure. I use the same amp with $5k analog source and generally it holds its own. Current new price is close to $3k. I will replace it only with something like Pass Int-60 or even better Gryphon. Or some high end tube amp.
Hi everyone. This is my 1st post but I look forward to reading every Friday when the email comes. 

Anyway, I remember from a good few years back that Monitor Audio worked especially well with Musical Fidelity amps. I myself have a pair of Studio 20se energized by Musical Fidelity A3 dual mono integrated with chord carnival speaker cable and qed silver interconnects. Sounds awesome with exceptional midrange. Unfortunately those speakers, as much as I love them are lacking in low end thump but they do sound so 3D I can never sell them. 
I then bought some great B&W 603 S3 speakers and have to say, I never thought the amp was able to produce that kind of bass. Wow what a combo!
So, before going out and buying some expensive new amp for your silvers, try out some older 'goodness' that will still blow your socks off. After all, this is a great used equipment resource...
The Belles Aria is well within or below your price point. You could sell the S2s and use the proceeds and change to buy some towers.

If you like the S2s a lot and want to get an integrated that doesn't cost more than the speakers, I've found Rotel integrateds and receivers to be great values.
The Monitor Audios are great sounding speakers for the price point.  Perhaps not the most revealing in the upper treble, but their pitch, tone and timing can be quite good when matched with the right electronics.

I have some MA Apex 40's which I believe use the same tweeter as the Silver S2's except in a MTM arrangement. These MAs are in the front end of an HT system which is driven by an Arcam AVR-400, and in either 5.1 or 2channel the amp-speaker combination works extremely well. With a decent analog or digital front end the soundstage is well presented and male and female voices are particularly compelling.

Due to my experience, I would think that Samac's suggestion of the Arcam A39 is solid. Perhaps any quality amp that excels in the areas of PRAT and purity of tone would match well with the Silver S2's, making the usual English designed suspects or similar pertinent.

FWIW, I tend to fall in the higher investment in electronics side, but the codependency of gear, ear and room make any strict rules 
Almost Irrelevant.

note 1: MA Silver S2s have a fairly big woofer, so do not under power. Your NAD should generally be fine on that count.

note 2: advice to point Silver S2 tweeter at your listening position is spot on and will reward.

note 3: an NAD weak point is metal jumper bars in the back connecting the preamp and amp sections. Try replacing these with decent reasonably priced 0.5m interconnect like Audioquest diamondback or king cobra or similar from another brand (but not AQ dedicated preamp jumpers, not that great). This should yield a noticeable improvement. You could experiment with silver and copper wires if you have both in hand. A cheap upgrade while you sort out move to different electronics.

note 4: I doubt that the preamp section in the OPPO is better than the NAD, but at least it would take the sucky stock jumpers out of the signal path (see note 3 above).  If you try this, compare with IC in NAD Pre-amp signal path to make sure it is apples to apples comparison.