Integrated amp with preamp tubes

Hi All,

I'm curious with perhaps downsizing my Bryston 3B3 & VTL 2.5(tube) with a good quality Integrated amp. 

Question: Are there integrated amps with a tube pre inside ? Would that be called a "Hybrid" integrated ?

I really like the tube/Solid state combo. I like a little warmth with my music. I'm just kicking tires at the moment. I know many will say that separates are the best way to go, but still curious to do some research on quality Integrated amps.Probably looking at $4000usd(used)

Love to hear some input, thanks in advance.


@inna I was just looking at those. You are right, maybe I should be looking a a tube integrated. More choice compared to a hybrid.

Also, VAC sells hand selected new reissue tubes, you won't have to chase NOS ones if you don't want to. I do chase them, though.

You might want to ask the sellers the serial numbers and then talk to Kevin of VAC to see if those units were ever serviced/repaired. Better give him a call, he is very slow with emails.

Vinnie Rossi Brama Integrated.

Preamp tubes .  I do not  think it can be called an Hybrid .

You can choose between SS preamp ot Tubes preamp by pressing one button

An Aesthetix Mimas should be on your short list. Though used, it’s still gonna be higher than the $4k. 

I stayed away from tube amps for forty year... what a mistake it was for me.