Integrated amp with digital to analog converter?

Anyone know of a integrated amp that contains an internal D/AC? My budget is $1000 used in excellent condition.
My plan: second audio system with a Wadia 170i tranport
reading a Apple ipod classic.

Thanks in advance for any insights/information.
You will need one of the few docks which can extract the digital signal from the iPod anyway. To my knowledge the only such docks are made by Wadia, Onkyo and MSB (at varying price points). There is no other way to get the digital signal from the iPod to a DAC so you will need to factor one of these docks into your budget.
just get and intergrated and add this
and it will sound great
So I would be able to connect an Ipod directly
to the Wadia integrated amp? If so, what would
connection of choice?
Thank to everyone
itransport output has a lot of jitter.
you need to choose a dac capable of eliminating it.
Wadia has the 151powerDAC coming out any day now. Matches the 170i perfectly. I'm getting in line for one.

The Peachtree Nova is within your budget, used, and the reviews of its internal DAC are excellent. For less money, the Peachtree Decco is a very nice integrated.
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