Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD

Hi - I'm currently using a Rega Aethos integrated amp with my 30.2 XD speakers.  I'd appreciate your comments / recommendation for a better integrated amp.  Some friends suggest that I consider the Luxman 509II or a Moon integrated.   
Your comments are very welcome!

Showing 1 response by bhvf

rogue audio cronus magnum iii. best sounding amp in its price zone. you get it all, open tramsparency, refinement, power and impact. so good it is a no brainer with these Harbeths. m
My local dealer uses this amp to demo Harbeths and it sounds great. I have the 30.1s and haven't heard any amp sound bad, just some better than others.  The XD isn't as warm of course so it will depend on what sound you want but the Rogue would be one of my top choices if you're ok with tubes.