Integrated Amp (Gryphon, T+A, etc) or DAC + Stereo Amp for B&W 802d3

Hi everyone,

First post here on Audiogon as I’m seeking advice to upgrade my current amps for B&W 802d3. The speakers have been driven by Devialet Expert Pro 440 CI over the last years and I can’t really say Devialet  is my cup of tea, although it’s extremely convenient. Appreciate if someone can share his/her experience.

The following amps are currently in my shortlist and I’m really close to pulling the trigger to one of the amps -

Streaming DAC (w or w/o preamp) + Integrated Amp: Gryphon Diablo 300, T+A PA 3100 HV, Accuphase E-800,
Streaming DAC (w or w/o preamp) straight into Stereo/Power Amp: Gryphon Essence, Accuphase A-75, Luxman M-900u

All my listening sources are Digital (Roon + TIDAL, AirPlay, Apple TV, TV) so I’m leaning towards a good quality Streaming DAC + Stereo amp unless a pre-amp is really necessary to add ’colouration’ or some sort.

Any thoughts/advice?

Additional info:
1. I listen mostly to Jazz, vocals, classical (especially piano and violin). Music 75%, 25% films via Apple TV
2. I have T+A PA 3100 HV loaner/home audition at the minute. Great amp, very neutral, balanced, great bass control and impressive soundstage. But, I feel like it’s an ’upgraded’ version of’s a bit analytical and doesn’t have the warmth for midrange at least to my ears
3. I’m looking for an amp that a) great soundstage b) details c) control the 802D3 bass well d) warmer than Devialet or T+A (go for pure Class A perhaps?)

fan118 OP

👍 For getting the Gryphon Essence, it will serve you and and any future speakers you get for a long time to come.

Also good work doing the ground work before buying, too many just grab things mentioned here to get by "good doers" without looking at the ability of them into the loads they will see.

Cheers George  
Congrats!  Gryphon certainly delivers the goods!

Did you find the Essence to sound significantly different than the Diablo? Or is it more about the control and grip over those woofers?  I only had an abbreviated audition of the Essence and didn't get a good feel for it.  
Did you get a chance to audition the new Dag Progression Integrated by any chance?  Got my eye on it.
Hi Cervantes - the sound signature in my opinion is only slightly different (ie still the Gryphon sound) especially the authority is still there which controls the bass very well. The soundstage and depth are on a different level compare to Diablo 300. I think the speaker matching is quite important for the Gryphons and for me it's either you like it or hate it (at this price point you got a lot more options).

With regards to Dag Progression, unfortunately no as I'm not sure if there's a dealer in the UK and even if there is the information is rather limited.

If I want to upgrade the amp in the future I may have a look at Aries Cerat. I saw a full set of their equipment today and absolute gorgeous.

Thanks for your reply.  I got to hear that Essence.

I really liked the Dag Progression pre and power that I auditioned and am awaiting the integrated version (they offer it with a dac too).  This is for an office-library system.

Aries Cerat - sounds great.  Another manufacturer I need to devote more time to.  But for this system I'm concentrating on an integrated, preferably with a built-in dac.  I did have an extended audition of the Ypsilon Phaeton last year and I must say it was simply outstanding.  Amongst the best integrateds I've heard.  It's a hybrid design.  Be sure to fill us in on how those Gryphon's sound in your home space once they're burned in.

Cheers, Jay
To georgehifi’s point, when checking specs, it is better to find a review with measurements than look at the manufacturer’s specs. Manufacturer’s often give "nominal" or average specs. An amp that has a 4 ohm impedance spec may dip well below 4 ohms in reality.

Manufacturers also often report the output power into 8 ohms low so that the output power spec for their amp doubles down into 4 ohms.

Also, you can’t judge how an amp sounds by looking at the specs. You have to listen, as we all know. An amp that doubles down doesn’t necessarily have better bass performance than one that doesn’t.

There’s no substitute for listening.