Integrated amp: Component weight

I'm an older guy with a bad back looking to spend $5-10K on an integrated amp.  Before I get into functionality, connectivity, or even sound quality, my threshold considerations are price, power, and weight.  My 86dB-sensitivity Harbeths do best with the equivalent of a 200-300wpc solid-state unit, I need to drive a variety of analog & digital sources, hope to keep weight under 40lbs, and want to stay away from "classic" Class D designs.  Been there, done that, D simply didn't work in my system.

My question: Does anybody know of any published listing of amplifiers that compares products by weight or size?

So far, I've only found a few 15-35lb models that meet this initial filter, from sellers like Ayre, Devialet, & Bryston, and, surprisingly, even ARC.  However, there are connectivity & functionality issues that make these otherwise-terrific options a poor fit.

Any suggestions?


@fastfreight What is recovery from back surgery like? I’m wondering how long it will be until I can even traverse the stairs to my home theater.

How come you don’t like the Benchmarks? I’ve never heard them, but they seem to be pretty popular in this thread. I’m open to any first-hand comments about a candidate component’s performance in a particular system configuration.

Oh, and by "compromise," I’m thinking more like Bryston instead of Hegel, or a HiFi Rose streamer instead of an Aurender.  I have $6000 Harbeths, not Chronosonics, so my goal is that my amplification won't any longer be the weakest link.



Just curious, where did you see the EX8 is 300wpc? It’s rated at 100wpc into 8ohm and 175 (tested it clipped at 170) into 4 which suggests a fairly lightweight current delivery that would get shaky into lower ohm loads. Do your Harbeths have difficult load requirements? That could shape (narrow) your search significantly.

i have similar speakers, Stirling Broadcast LS3/6, and two Hegels, 390 and 90. Yes, the sound with 390 is better, but 90 does an excellent job, too. I would suggest that you might not need as much power and that Hegel 190 or similar would do just as well -- old guy, old ears, likely you wan't hear the difference. 


Hi @cundare2 

i am sure all back surgery different.  My first replaced two lumbar discs, and I was laid up 5 weeks.  I could get up and down steps though.  My second replaced two cervical discs and had II had a laminectomy and foramenotomy  of two more lumbar discs.  This has been much easier, out of action for one weeK.  Good luck!

 I have had the benchmarks in for direct comparison in my system, and they were dry and sterile compared to my Audionet Max amps by far.  Of course they are smaller and less expensive. Again good luck.   I like your Ayre thinking.  Let us know!

What associated equipment was in your system when you were evaluating the Benchmarks? Are you talking about the LA4 and AHB2?

If I went that route, I’d probably add a DAC3 and some third-party streamer, so I’d be getting into the $15,000 range, not including interconnects and power cords. At this point, weight, SQ, and connectivity are more important than cost, though. (Within reason, of course!)

Glad to hear that your surgery went well overall.  I'm looking at something similar, both upper & lower spine, but at this point, have no idea what to expect.  It's hard to find good surgeons in this state, at least on a par with the best in places like NYC, Boston, or Chicago, so I'm hesitant to pull the trigger.  But I definitely don't want to have to deal with a hundred-pound chunk of iron in the house if & when I do have to go under the knife.