Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?

Thoughts and feedback on the New Insider Lobby?

Showing 1 response by blueranger

Like Elizabeth said only about a hundred active members here. Most won't subscribe me included. Someone puts a post on the insider. 2 hours. 12 hours. 2 days. 3 days. Then you might get a response similar to " Well I haven't personally  listened to the Acme 309 MK II but if it's anything like the Acme 206 from 01 it should be a winner"  All because there would be a few survivors on an island and would have to count on each other to survive. If audiogon wants more cash in their coffers I would rather them place ads between forum posts and increase ad fees. AKA Youtube. With the increased revenue place the moderator in a more aggressive role. Send out forum rules to all members with a check box to acknowledge. If they make me pay to play then I will just sign up to Audiokharma or Audioasylum and hang out there.