Inside the Iso Acoustics mechanism

So what us inside the device? Springs? Dampening material or a combination? Thanks


Showing 5 responses by ryder

After spending $1000 on Gaia 1’s, I’m not going to take them apart!


Same here on my Gaia 2. From the diagram provided by Isoacoustics, it appears that bolts are used inside the Gaias instead of springs. I’m not sure about the other parts that are used for the overall assembly of the Gaia though.

It would be good if someone opens up the Gaias or Oreas and take few photos of the insides.

It’s all right here:

elastomer, arranged to do what it does.


There’s a sketch of the insides but no description of the stuff.



I would be equally interested to know about the featured parts inside the Gaia and Orea. Are both the same or they are different.

From what I read, the Gaias brought an impact to most systems and the changes are mostly an improvement. With the Oreas, the differences are described to be more subtle to the point of negligible.

My main problem is: How do I double-blind these against the stock spikes?!?!




I was not allowed to upload the Revopod cross section from their website. It is very informative and their description lays out how it works.



This is surely informative. Isoacoustics should emulate Revopod by providing the description as shown in the image above instead of an AutoCad sketch without any information. The cross section of the Revopod looks rather similar to the Gaia, perhaps without the spherical bearing. The elastomer damping layers are basically some sort of hardened rubber.