Innuos - New Re-Clocker

Heard Innuos was launching a Re-Clocker.  Anyone have details on the specs and performance?

Showing 1 response by liquidsound

Hi All,

I was pretty skeptical about the new Phoenix Re-Clocker having much effect on the music from an already great ZENith MKIII, especially with the added $3149.00 cost !
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to audition a Phoenix-ReClocker with ZENith MKIII. My friend has the almost exact setup I have with his electronics/speakers so this was a very good audition for me. We played a variety of familiar and unfamiliar songs in different categories through the MKIII with and without the Phoenix Re-Clocker in play and in every case, there was a very noticeable positive difference with the Re-Clocker. What I noticed almost immediately was the absence of any grain, especially in female vocals, more "body" to the musical experience, and a slight widening, and deepening of the presented sound-stage. The Re-Clocker took a very good music server and moved the sonic experience up a notable jump. Needless to say, the proof is in the listening. I’ve just ordered one for my system !  For those of us who find the Innuos Statement's price a bit too much to shell out, this is a great upgrade.