Initial thoughts on Rob Watts designed Quartet M-Scaler

Wondering what members have to say about Rob Watts newly developed upscaling device. Do you have experience with Chord’s Hugo M-Scaler or similar devices? Computer/software based upsampling? Would you consider buying this product which will likely cost more (much more?) than the currently available M-Scaler?

Lot’s of comments from Watts in this interview about tuning algorithms by ear. Start video at 11:30 in.


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@ricred1 got it, thanks.  Did you find that your results with the M-Scaler and the Dave were sensitive to the kind of coax cables you used?  Asking because I did some experimenting with different coax cables with an older Chord DAC connected to my server and they made a noticeable difference, with the more expensive cables I tried sounding better.  Exploring those limits could get quite pricy given the highest upsampling rate for the M-Scaler requires two cables.


Thanks for the nice comments about my system. In my "system" the M-Scaler sounds unnatural. It made the music sound "processed" is the only way I can explain it. 

@ricred1 nice system.  Wondering what you didn’t like about the M-Scaler?  Assuming that means it did something to the sound, just not something good.

I tried the M-scaler and didn't like it in my system, No comments until I hear the Quartet M-Scaler in my system. I wondering if the power supply for the Quartet can be used to power the Dave also? Based on the video it doesn't appear that the Quartet will be released anytime soon.