Info on Using BAX to Ship

There has been some discussion on this forum about using BAX to ship heavy products. I was told by a dealer that I'm returning some crated speakers to that it is simply like walking into a local UPS hub and dropping them off for shipment. Well, it does not work like that! So if you're thinking of using BAX here are some things to know. Only a commercial business with an account with BAX can ship using BAX. They don't accept items from individuals and they won't pick up at a residence unless you have an RMA for a return. This is because of 9/11; they want to make sure you are a viable business with a good reason to ship something heavy. Hope this saves people a trip to their "local" BAX office like I wish it had for me.

Showing 3 responses by flynntom

If Where talking about BAX GLOBAL Shipping, You can drop off your shipment at any "willing" business address such as your apartment complex office, a friends store etc. and Bax will happily pick it up. They will also accept your personal check for payment, No business account needed. I just did this to send a pair of 3 series maggies from Denver to MN.
The web site actually does clearly state that they DO NOT pick up at residential addresses. It also clearly states that additional charges will apply for extra men and or equeptment. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hugh fan of the shipping cos., but fair is fair. we have to do our part in researching carefully our choices. not just complain after the fact.
I Guess Slipknot1 nailed it in his windup. It's hit and miss. This is unfortunatly true throughout the business world. Some employees care about the accuracy of the information they give us and others collect their paychecks and couldn't give a F$%* less. Sad but true, cavaet emptor!!