Infinity cs 3009

Brand new here.  Does anyone have any knowledge on cabinet specifications or have technical input for Infinity cs 3009?   I am thinking about actually trying to build a pair, or at least something comparable or better than these. Heard us at years ago and loved them and now I cannot seem to find any to purchase. Any help or input would be appreciated. 
I encourage you to build a modern kit instead, there are many great one's.

In about the form factor you are thinking of, I really like the components in this PSB kit:
You won't find exact replacement parts to build a pair of these.  The pair that Erik recommended is excellent although there are a ton of lower cost alternatives.  If you are interested, let me know and I'll be happy to provide you some designs.  
They are only expensive relative to other kits. The parts are very similar to those used in a $20k Sony speaker system. Compared to that, this kit is a bargain! :) 


Back in February 2017 I purchased the scan-speak b741 kit from Madisound. I substituted the single 4 ohm midrange for a pair of 8 ohm of same model. I inserted these into my Dunlavy sc-iv cabinets. I also removed the foam rubber and wiring and replaced with Supra 13 awg speaker wire and wool damping. The woofers and midrange needed spacer plates which I fabricated from round 1/16" steel plates. The tweeter just needed a new notch in the cabinet. I also changed out the Clarity Cap ESA 6.8 uF and 22 uF caps for Clarity Cap CMR's in the tweeter crossover. Since the crossovers are much larger than what they replaced I decided to mount them externally. I have a pair of F113's subs for the lower frequencies. The detail is just incredible. Listening volumes have gone way down. My listening choices have moved more into classical and jazz because of the improvement in hearing everything. My advice to royboy 11532 is if you have the skill level the Scan-speak b741 kit is a pretty good set-up.
I would look for a pair of infinity kappa series speakers, they are a step up from the cs 3009 The kappa 8 and 9 will out perform any of those above mentioned kits with the right electronics, if you step up to the infinity Renaissance series speakers 80 or 90 especially the 90...look at the many rave reviews, they will literally destroy any of the above mentioned kits and you can put the money you saved into electronics, good luck.

I’m sorry to disagree with you, I am very familiar with Kappa crossovers impedance curves and sound. I have sold them new and worked on them since.
Peter @ PBN did the speakers that Erik posted, I’d take them any day over Kappa’s, they won’t be dry rotted anytime soon and any solid state amps and many tube amps can drive 
I don’t like the sound of those paper mids and woofers, to me they color the sound way too much, If you drive the kappas with a capable amp, Krell, Pass Labs, Threshold should do the trick you will be rewarded with great sound, I have also used tubes on the top of the kappas and a ss amp on the bottom woofers with no problems and it sounded incredible, as for the Renaissance speakers...they are in another league, it wouldn’t even be close, I’D put the Rens up against any 10K new speaker, they are that good, I have the infinity epsilons and I have searched for new speakers to best them but You would have to spend upwards of 40K to do it, believe me I searched.
I have no argument that the Kappa's are nice speakers and can be incredible with the right amplification, but have to assume from your response that you don't like the sound of those paper mids that you haven't heard them. 
The paper on these mids are coated,  next, the problem that most people have with paper is how you can hear paper resonate,  some love this, others don't.  The slits in the cone, stop the resonating from spreading and moving around the cone,  then the slits are glued with a pliable material that further dampen the cone. (paper is normally more detailed sounding than poly - not always) 
Lastly, with proper crossover changes,  I really like the Kappa 8 & 9 both, many of their issues can be solved, but no matter what, these speakers have aged and the poly domes are shot and all Kappa woofers are ready for at least a recone. 
Yea I am one of those people that don't like the sound paper cones.

Paper changes it's sound characteristics way to much for me, they absorb humidity when it's damp out slowing down the cone and making it less controlled,  they can also deform or warp from the humidity as they dry out.

 And then they are coated, so what happens in a few years when the coating hardens/drys out, the sound changes.

With all those slits and glues and special coating to stop the cone from resonating why didn't they just use a better material for the cones to solve the problem.

As for the polydomes you can buy new replacement domes overseas, a guy makes them out of the same material as the originals, they look stock.
 Also a guy in the states is working on exact replacements.

 I have RSDS polydome replacements that I modified and A&B'd up against the original polydomes and the RSDS were much better sounding 

 I also have a pair of genesis titanium replacement polydomes should mine go bad, so I'm good.

 I have been treating my original polydomes once a year with silicone shock oil for the last ten years and mine are still like new.

I agree with you... if you like the sound of paper cones then they are for you, if not... there are so many other speakers out there to choose from.