In Wall Subwoofers in 2-Channel room ?

Hello All,
I am doing a two channel room in my basement,size 13 X 21 X 8. I am thinking of adding 4-In Wall subwoofers for future upgrades. So my question is will the in-wall subs affect my 2-channel bass responce since i will have 4-subs that are not in use for 2-channel ? I am thinking that the passive woofers will take away some of my bass energy due too the rooms lose of pressure being taken up by the in-walls.
Thanks for your help and time ?

I would suggest that you use corner horn type subwoofers...this way, you will know they are pre-placed in the correct locations with-in the room.

4 Subs! I'm into quality, not quantity. You may have a heck of a time getting those subs to sound good, even with manufacturer supplied enclosures. However, I have heard Nile's top of the line in-wall and it was nice. A similar priced Velodyne (or a pair) may prove better?

"I am thinking that the passive woofers will take away some of my bass energy"

That would be nice, although, it won't happen....less bass traps to buy!
