In need of some Amplifier advice. Is therereally any point in it with my current setup?

Hello. I have posted in the past, but have since learned a little bit more from reading audio forums, and doing some research and have come to somewhat of a juncture. 

I figure I could "stair step" up on my own and enjoy the ride, or, ask those who have most likely been where i am before and skip a few steps =). 

My current setup consists of a Yamaha adventage-A3070 AV receiver (150wattsx8ohms 2chd), and 2 Polk LSIM707 towers. 

I've been looking at used Classe amps here on audiogon, or possibly a new parasound Halo A21 power aplifier,  and have thought about purchasing them. 

My question is, would my Yamaha advantage 3070 even be a sufficient pre-amp? It has pre-outs for all channels, and it also has an ess sabre DAC for my digital flac files. Or would using the Yamaha as a pre completely destroy the sound of the power amplifier? Essentially wasting $1,000-$3,000. 

My other question is pretty obvious. Should I trade up, just spend the $1,000-$3,000 on better set of speakers I've been eye balling like  the EMT-LFT8s, and stick with the Yamaha receiver's power for now. 

If it were you. What would you do? 

This largely depends on your end goal. Do you eventually want a full-blown system of separates...even considering monoblock amps? Do you definitely want to try the LFT8s? 

Your current AV receiver can probably manage with the low sensitivity of the LFT8s, but as with other planar speakers, they probably sound best with a high power amp. I like Yamaha products, but I'm not a huge fan of their AVRs. IME, their integrateds are in a whole other league when it comes to sound quality. While your AVR is not inexpensive, it still uses cheap, sheet stock heat sinks, a sure sign that they made sacrifices to the audio quality to make way for all the processing tech.   

The Halo A21 is a good amp. It will certainly power the LFT8s without breaking a sweat, but will probably give your current setup a decent boost in performance. I think you'd be ok using the Yamaha as a preamp. No, it won't likely perform as well as a standalone $2K unit, but I believe the amp section is where most AVRs skimp. By going with a new amp, you might manage to bypass the weakest link in your current chain, while preparing your system for a future speaker upgrade.

As for the LFT8s, I haven't heard them, but I wouldn't be surprised if their performance far exceeds the Polks, even when driven by an AVR. Upgrading the speakers may yield the greatest short-term ROI, as long as you listen at moderate volumes. 
I would start with speakers. Listen to as many as you can. Once you find ones you like and determine they will sound good in your space now you will have the starting point for the rest of your gear. IMHO.