In need of a new bluray player lost without oppo now what ?

Just want to spend in the $500.00 area for a 4k Blu-ray player, I had an Oppo 103 and want to upgrade to 4k.

Any thoughts on Panasonic DP UB820 player or the Samsung UBD M9500.

A recommendation would be appreciated.

thank you


Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Yeah Oppo was the deal. Modded one can match players 2-3 times the price. Which you could do for whatever budget you have in mind. Very good way to go. So that's one option.

Better one I think is a set of Synergistic ECT for $295 just one of these improved my video about to about the level of 4k. Just one. The set is 5. Video becomes clearer yet smoother and takes on an almost 3D appearance. Audio improves as well. I've never put more than one on my video source, the rest are on my amp. Super easy to move around, works on just about everything, and 30 day total satisfaction guarantee. If you don't like em, cost next to nothing to ship em back.