Impulsive drive to buy the EverSolo dmp-A8 or should I wait ? That is the question.

I'm in the need for a streamer and with Tidal it's a must! But the man on my shoulder keeps saying WAIT! until the price goes down. with all the features this toy can do, I was shocked. tell me Audiogon family. do you think this is a wise move. I listen to Tidal through my computer and it is getting old. but at 2k I'm on the fence, I have seen great reviews about this unit, but I usually wait until all the bugs is worked out and purchase the second generation that may come with some improvements, I had a bad experience with a product from a manufacture that kept trying to fix their unit with software updates. that never worked, so it was off to the trash. has anyone purchased this unit? and if so any issues? I would like to know Thank you.


Showing 1 response by jackd

The A8 is the second generation with the A6 being the first.  They use the exact same software package which has now had seven months of firmware and control app updates.  Nothing really left to wait on hardware wise and the software tweaking will continue just like you would hope it would. Also wouldn't wait around on a price reduction as an increase is more likely just like the rest of the streamer companies.